Tuesday, March 5, 2013

In like a lamb...

March came in like a lamb (and then snowed a LOT the next day but nevermind that!)!! Spring is upon us! We will move through this month fast!

We will be finishing up our unit on the Solar System. The children have enjoyed everything they have learned (and I am sure you have learned some random Space Facts or jokes). Our buddies from Apollo 13 will be leaving us shortly :(  The children worked hard on their Solar System, so I think we are going to leave that up.

We will be working on learning the letters W and I. We have also started looking at words that rhyme.

Fieldtrip to Sobeys:  (NO siblings and limited parent volunteers as requested by Sobeys)

TTH AM class - Tuesday, March 12 930-11
MW AM class - Wednesday, March 13 930-11

TTH PM class - Tuesday, March 19 1-230
MW PM class - Wednesday, March 20 1-230

Easter/Spring Parties:
We will be having a small, low-key celebration to welcome Spring.

**MW PM class - Monday, March 18
MW AM class - Wednesday, March 20

TTH AM class - Thursday, March 21
TTH PM class - Thursday, March 21

Spring Break - March 23-April 1.  Enjoy your time with your family!

Thanks to....Terri Parker/Ted Ryan (Bottle Drive), Pregitzer families (Family Dance) and Vertz Family (Family Dance).  The Art Show and the Family Dance were successes!  Thank you for being so involved in your children's education and community.

All the best!


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