Monday, April 22, 2013

Happy Earth Day!!

Happy Earth Day!

We have been talking about ways we can help our Earth stay healthy and clean.  After learning about the Solar System this past winter, the children understand that we need to protect our planet as it is where we live (and as one pointed out - Even with sunscreen, Venus is too hot to live on!).  I expect that some of the children will become some sort of "Earth Police" making sure lights and taps are turned off :)

At the BriarPatch, we strive to minimize our impact on the environment by reducing, reusing and recycling.  I thank you for helping us minimize our waste by sending snacks and drinks in reusable containers.  Also, thank you for contributing many of your recyclables and household/office type materials that you had no use for.  These type of materials lend themselves well to open-ended art and encourage creativity.

"If we want children to flourish, to become truly empowered, then let us allow them to love the Earth before we ask them to save it." -David Sobel